Now building in more of the
fern and rock details. The
foreground fern will end up
green, but I want its yellow
brilliance to shine through in
places. I also started mapping
out the fall of the water. Each
line of hidden rock under the
cascade must make sense.
Again dont be afraid of
throwing in a heap of colour.
Water flowing over wet black
rocks will actually be quite
dark. But we dont want it to be
dull. Sometimes I get away with
pouring the white water on while
the dark regions are still wet,
then it is easier to blend the
lights into the darks to give a
smooth flowing water effect.
But dont worry if the water
doesnt look right first go. Let
it dry then come back and rub
some more darks into the shadowed
areas and more white into the
highlights. It might take a few
goes of letting it dry and adding
another layer. Of course I am
talking transparent colours here,
eg veridian green, dioxazine
purple, pthalo or prussion blue,
burnt sienna, burnt umber etc.
Then the under painting will
continue to show through.
Likewise with the rocks and
pool. Just keep adding layers of
transparent colour until you get
the tone and depth you want.